
KEYSTONE BANK Asokoro Branch

KEYSTONE BANK Asokoro Branch

1 Maitama Sule Street, Off Yakubu Gowon Way, Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria.
Oposite OAU Quarters
Keystone Bank is a full service commercial bank wholly owned by the Asset Management Corporation of Nigeria (AMCON) and was granted banking license on August 5, 2011, by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN). The Bank has met and exceeded all capital and capital adequacy requirements of the CBN and assumed the deposit liabilities, certain other liabilities and assets of former Bank PHB Plc, following the revocation of the erstwhile bank's operating License by the CBN. The Chairman of the Board of Directors of the bank, Mr. Jacobs Moyo Ajekigbe OFR, had a successful banking career, crowning the final six of his 32 years experience as the Managing DirectorCEO of First Bank of Nigeria Plc. The Executive Management Team of the Bank is headed by the Managing DirectorCEO, Mr. Philip Ikeazor, a professional banker with over 25years cognate experience. Mr. Ikeazor was General Manager, Corporate Banking, Institutional Banking and Wholesale Banking at Ecobank Nigeria and United Bank for Africa (UBA) at various times and was pioneer Managing DirectorCEO of Ecobank Kenya in 2008. Until his appointment to Keystone Bank, Mr. Ikeazor was Executive Director, Corporate Banking, Investment Banking and Treasury, Union Bank of Nigeria Plc.
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Date Added
0802 974 4226

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Abdullahi Mohammed Zubair Isma Rank: Anonymous | 2047 years ago

The management of AMZI Football Club of Jos uses this medium to request your authorities for a multiyear sponsorship deal with your company. The deal will allow AMZI Football Club of Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria to use your names, logos and initials on our Jerseys, Sucks, Balls, training VIPs, medical equipment and other intellectual property.

With the partnership, your company will provide AMZI Football Club of Jos with aforementioned football materials with your initials and cash for the use of your initials, in the course of the deal your company will becomes the most preferred in Nigeria.

The partnership can allow you to sponsor our players abroad for trials which the fees can be share in percentage with your company and will also further deepen your consumer loyalty as well as ensure that millions of passionate soccer fans across Nigeria continue to do business with your company.

Your kind approval and acceptance is highly anticipated


Abdullahi Mohammed Zubair Ismail
Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer/Chief Coach

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